Lifesavers in the Midst of Winter

Lifesavers in the Midst of Winter

Ah, winter, why does your presence seem to extend endlessly when the days are so fleeting?

This post takes inspiration from Modern Mrs. Darcy, my cherished book podcaster. Each year, she shares this post to reflect upon all the elements that infuse joy and vitality into the dim and chilly days of winter. These posts emerge at the midway juncture of the season, a gentle reminder that we are halfway to the embrace of spring.

I’ve shared my thoughts in 2018, 2020, and 2021. (As for 2019, it appears to have vanished into the ether.) I revisited those posts before crafting this one. Naturally, I needn’t state the obvious, but I find myself compelled to: the world of 2022 is markedly different. Simply put, everything has evolved. Rereading the post from February 2020 felt surreal. That earlier version of myself was blissfully unaware that the entire world would undergo a transformation in a mere month. How bizarre.

However, many of these sources of joy overlap, an intriguing revelation. I suppose I understand what resonates most with me.

Here’s what’s bringing light into my life in winter 2022:


A woman in green pants sits cross-legged on a gray yoga mat. She has a laptop, a water bottle, and a kettlebell nearby. Several years ago, I ventured into the world of yoga, guided by the wisdom of YouTube’s Yoga with Adriene. My aim is simple: to engage in a session most days, devoid of rigid targets or performance pressures. The goal is to practice more often than not. This routine has contributed to preserving my sanity during these prolonged periods at home. Considering the limitations on outdoor activities, especially during these frigid months when venturing outdoors with my children becomes a daunting challenge, having a reliable at-home workout routine has been a lifesaver. On many occasions, my practice becomes more demanding due to the presence of animals or children clambering onto my back during planks or hanging from my arm during warrior poses. Nevertheless, rolling out my mat, logging into YouTube, and immersing myself in a dependable workout have become a source of solace during these gloomy winter days. Moreover, Adriene’s delightful humor and warm demeanor make the experience all the more enjoyable. This unquestionably constitutes a source of joy for me during this season.


A stack of three books leans against each other. The titles remain concealed as the spines face outward, while the covers showcase shades of brown, blue, and white. Books—always books. Reading has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. I’m not entirely sure how I could have navigated these past few years without the solace of my nightly reading ritual. By day’s end, after tending to my children, household, and pets, while juggling work, exercise, and errands from the early hours of the morning until late in the evening, I find myself drained. I’m exhausted, both mentally and physically, and it is during these moments that climbing into my bed with a book becomes the beacon of light at the end of each day.

Here’s what I’m currently immersed in:

  • A shared reading journey through “His Dark Materials” with my 12-year-old nephew.
  • Exploring “How to Take Smart Notes” as I endeavor to organize my thoughts for a new project I plan to launch this summer.
  • Revisiting the timeless classic, “Pride and Prejudice.”
  • My next undertaking involves ordering a substantial number of books on cat behavior, training, and health. This aligns with the aforementioned project. I have a solid list of about 5 or 6 books to commence with, but if you have any recommendations, I am all ears! To commence, I intend to explore “Decoding Your Cat,” primarily because I cherished “Decoding Your Dog” years ago. In fact, I composed an entire blog post about it back in 2014!


Two grocery bags, brimming with apples, bananas, lettuce, and bread, rest on the hallway floor. I won’t deny it: we’ve leaned heavily on deliveries in recent times. This has been the case in the past, especially when Astrid was a newborn, but it has now firmly ingrained itself in our daily routine. Recently, Violet tested positive for Covid (we were tantalizingly close to celebrating her fifth birthday…so very close…), and all of us are currently in quarantine. In such moments, we can’t help but express gratitude for the existence of delivery services. Allow me to elaborate on the ones I rely upon:

  • Instacart: I frequently order groceries from Aldi for delivery, roughly once a week. It’s been a tremendous lifesaver. If you’ve never used it before, they provide a referral link that allows you to share a $10 discount. So, here’s yours.
  • Petco subscription: I’ve set up recurring orders for our pets’ supplements through Petco. It’s an automated process that occurs seamlessly each month, lifting this responsibility from my shoulders. Notably, when you establish a recurring subscription, you enjoy significant discounts. It’s practically magic. I’m realizing now that I can include fish tank filters in my order, so I’ll address that as soon as I conclude this post.
  • The Farmer’s Dog: I dare say, this was nothing short of a small miracle when Cooper fell seriously ill and refused to eat anything but this particular food. Yes, I dare indeed. It was a miracle. Although we occasionally incorporate home-cooked meals and rotate other dog foods, this brand is our reliable, never-fail choice for him. Give it a look.
  • Target drive-up: Oh, the money I’ve saved by avoiding the physical store.
  • “Paper” products: Our supply of toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues is exclusively sourced from Who Gives a Crap?. These products are crafted from bamboo or recycled materials, and the process is automated. This eliminates the concern of running out of essential items. They even assured continued service for subscribers during the notorious toilet paper shortages. They, too, feature a referral program. So, here’s a $10 discount if you’d like to explore Who Gives a Crap?.

And, as a bonus, I can place all these orders on my laptop or phone while nestled alongside Cooper!


Three women cheerfully clink coffee cups in a celebratory gesture, although their faces remain unseen. Their hands each grasp a white coffee mug, arranged on a table with laptops. Naturally, the image above serves as a symbolic representation because we’re practicing #SocialDistancing. Nevertheless, I find myself profoundly grateful for my friends and the multitude of ways to maintain contact: Zoom, Marco Polo, text messaging, Duo, sharing Reels back and forth, and various other platforms. I have a particular fondness for Marco Polo since it allows for flexible communication at one’s convenience while still permitting me to behold the radiant faces of my dear friends!

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